Past Issue - Vol 132 No. 2 2003

Radiosensitivity of Angiogenic and Mitogenic Factors in Human Amniotic Membrane
Custer C. Deocaris, Chester C. Deocaris, Sonia D. Jacinto and Zenaida M. De Guzman
In vitro Gas Production Tests on Irradiated-Chicken Feathers to Estimate its Nutritive Value as Feed for Ruminants
Custer C. Deocaris, Azucena C. De Vera, Marivic M. Ellana and Celia O. Asaad
Response of Tectona philippinensis Benth. & Hook (Philippine Teak) Cuttings to Applied Mykovam and Biocore
Yolina Tarranco-Castañeto and Minda P. Follosco-Edmiston1
Y-chromosome STR Allele Frequency Distribution Among Male Filipinos in the National Capital Region for Forensic Applications
Michelle M. Tan, Frederick C. Delfin, Gayvelline C. Calacal, Dr. Lutz Roewer1 and Dr. Maria Corazon de Ungria
Philippine Vegetable Drugs in Common Use: Their Chemical Constant Part II
Lourdes L. Garcia, Celia L. Herrera, Teresita V. Capal, Catherine L. Melo, Lourdes A. Dayap and Romeo V. Banal
Comparative Toxicity of Neem Fruit Extract and Cypermethrin Against Tribolium confusum Hbst. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and Papilio demoleus Linn. (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)
M. Farhanullah Khan and S. Musaffar Ahmed
Immunotherapeutic Approach of Experimental Brain Tumor with a Corpuscular Antigen
Swapna Chaudhuri*1, Soven Kumar Gangopaddhyay1, Susobhan Sarkar1 and Samaresh Chaudhuri2
Partial Purification and Characterization of Invertase from the Flowers of Madhuca longifolia (Mi)
M.K.B. Weerasooriya and H.P. Yatawara
A Rare Abnormality in Male Inflorescence of Mulberry — A New Report
A. Tikader and K. Thangavelu