Response of Tectona philippinensis Benth. & Hook (Philippine Teak) Cuttings to Applied Mykovam and Biocore


Yolina Tarranco-Castañeto and Minda P. Follosco-Edmiston1

Nueva Vizcaya State University, College of Forestry
Bayombong, 3700 Nueva Vizcaya
1Biology Department, College of Science, De La Salle University-Manila,
Taft Avenue, Manila

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Tectona philippinensis locally known as Philippine teak is an indigenous species belonging to the family Verbenaceae. This species had been declared as endangered due to rapid population decline. Because of this, there is an urgent need to propagate and plant the species to save it from future extinction. Successful rooting using stem cuttings was already achieved and therefore further study was conducted to determine the response of Philippine teak to added Mykovam and Biocore in the nursery. Results of the statistical analysis revealed significant effect of the treatments on height, stem diameter, % organic matter and % nitrogen of the rooted cuttings. Tallest height of rooted cuttings was observed using Biocore at 20 g/seedling (36.97 cm) giving 82.30% increase over that of control seedlings (20.28 cm). Likewise, seedlings applied with combination of Biocore + Mykovam at 5 g/seedling had 25.30 cm height. Seedling diameter was also affected by the application of treatments. Biocore applied at 20 gram/seedling gave significantly biggest seedling diameter among other treatments. Moreover, analysis of tissues revealed significant differences in % organic matter and % nitrogen content among different treatments. Percent organic matter and % N was found 12.16% and 11.32% higher using Biocore 20 g/seedling over that of the control seedlings. From the results, seedlings applied with Biocore 20 g improved seedling height, diameter, % organic matter and % nitrogen over other treatments and that of the control seedlings. Application therefore of Biocore at 20 g/rooted cutting of the Philippine teak is recommended for better growth and survival of seedlings in the nursery.



The serious attempt of the Philippine government to restore degraded forest lands calls for a cohesive and comprehensive approach to abate the dwindling status of forest resources. However, one of the major problems in restoration is the inadequate supply of quality seeds for massive planting. In the absense of quality seeds, the use of other plant parts like stem as planting. . . . .





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