Comparative Toxicity of Neem Fruit Extract and Cypermethrin Against Tribolium confusum Hbst. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and Papilio demoleus Linn. (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)
M. Farhanullah Khan and S. Musaffar Ahmed
Sourthernzone Agricultural Research Center
Pakistan Agricultural Research Council
University Campus Karachi–75270, Pakistan
Tribolium confusum Hbst. adults were exposed to Neem fruit extract (NFE) and cypermethrin impregnated filter papers while Papalio demoleus L. 2nd instar larvae were treated topically with the selected dose. The mortality counts were made after an exposure period of 24 hours.
The LD50 values of NFE and cypermethrin against T. confusum was found to be 222.887 µg/cm2 and 0.258 µg/cm2, respectively, while the log probit regression equation was calculated as Y= 3.27x -2.67 with heterogeneity factor, χ2 (Chi Square) 2.607 and Y= 1.52x + 5.89 with heterogeneity factor χ2 (Chi Square) 1.236 respectively. Against P. demoleus 2nd instar larvae LD50 value of NFE and cypermethrin was found to be 6.155 µg / larva and 0.000365 µg / larva while the log probit regression equation was calculated as Y = 1.85x + 3.54 and heterogeneity factor, χ2 (Chi Square) 15.21 and Y = 0.922x + 8.169 and heterogeneity factor, χ2 (Chi Square) 5.124, respectively.
All parts of the neem tree have some biologically active components that are responsible for checking the insect population. Azadirachtin, isolated from neem fruit, has been proven to be the tree's main agent for combating against insect (BOSTID 1993). Moreover, resistance does not develop in insect against neem (Vollinger 1987, 1992, 1995; Naqvi & Tabassum 1992). To date. . . .
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