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Calorimetric Titration Of Selected Divalent Transition Metal Cations With A Novel Macrocyclic Diamide Aliha T. Amilasan1,2, Jose S. Solis2, Susan D. Arco2, and Emily V. Castriciones2
Aquatic Microalgae As Potential Sources Of Uv-Screening Compounds Maribel L. Dionisio-Sese
Community Structure of Phytoperiphyton in “Lab-lab” (Algal Mat ) in Brackishwater Ponds in Relation to Water Depth Norma R. Fortes1 and Lily Anne G. Piñosa2
Settlement, Growth and Survival of the Donkey’s Ear Abalone Haliotis asinina (Linne) in Response to Diatom Diets and Attachment Substrate Milagros R. de la Peña1, Joseph I. Bautista2, Shelah Mae Buen-Ursua1, Nestor Bayona1, and Virgie Sol T. Titular1
Molecular Characterization of Free Nucleic Acids in Coconut Water Marni E. Cueno* and Rita P. Laude
A Pilot Study on the Genetic Variation of Eastern Little Tuna (Euthynnus affinis) in Southeast Asia Mudjekeewis D. Santos1,2,*, Grace V. Lopez1, and Noel C. Barut1
Identification of Feather Star (Echinodermata: Crinoidae: Comatulida) as Subic Bay, Zambales, Philippines Carmen C. Arguelles*, Reynald M. dela Paz1, and Florencia G. Claveria*
A New Species of Riverine Crab of the Genus Sundathelphusa Bott, 1969 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Gecarcinucidae) from Northeastern Luzon, Philippines Jose Christopher E. Mendoza1, * and Tohru Naruse2
Characterization and Identification of Congo Red Decolorizing Bacteria from Monocultures and Consortia Aileen C. Jalandoni – Buan1, Anna Lynn A. Decena-Soliven, Ernelea P. Cao2, Virginia L. Barraquio3, and Wilfredo L. Barraquio4†
Acid -Tolerant Rhizobia of Phaseolus vulgaris L. from the Intensively Cropped Soils of La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines Rosemary M. Gutierrez1,* and Wilfredo L. Barraquio2†
Novel miRNAs and their Target Gene Networks from Hippocampi of Rats that Performed Regular Exercise: An in silico study Marla A. Endriga1, Rhey Ian N. Buluag1, Jon Sithli P. Mendoza1, and Custer C. Deocaris2
Transesterification of Oil Extract from Locally-Cultivated Jatropha curcas Using a Heterogeneous Base Catalyst and Determination of its Properties as a Viable Biodiesel Leon M. Payawan Jr.1*, Jossana A. Damasco2, and Kurt W.E. Sy Piecco3
The 2009-2010 El Niño Southern Oscillation in the Context of Climate Uncertainty: The Philippine Setting Graciano P. Yumul Jr.1,2, Carla B. Dimalanta1, Nathaniel T. Servando3, and Flaviana D. Hilario3