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Past Issue - Vol 136 No. 1 2007
Zebrafish Syntenic Relationship to Human/Mouse Genomes Irene E. Samonte
Life Strategies of Mosses in Mt. Pulag, Benguet Province, Philippines Roland M. Hipol, Danielo B. Tolentino†, Edwino S. Fernando, and Niña M. Cadiz
Fabrication of a Sensor Using Seed Lectin in Voltammetric Detection of Heavy Metals Elmer-Rico E. Mojica, Florinia E. Merca and Rene L. Micor
Copper Oxide as Mediator for the Amperometric Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide Elmer-Rico E. Mojica |
Double-bridged Tetrathaifulvalene Macrocycles with m-Xylylene, Trimethylene and Glucose Linkers: Synthesis and Characterization Glenn V. Alea, Gerardo C. Janairo and Jeremy D. Kilburn
Isozyme Polymorphism of Selected Cultivars of Table- and Cooking-type Banana (Musa sp.) in the Philippines Genome Identifcation of the Table-type Cultivars Merlyn S. Mendioro, Sharon L. Madriñan, Jeneylyne F. Colcol and Felipe S. Dela Cruz, Jr.
Detection of Anti-HBs, Anti-HBc and HBsAg Among Pediatric Vaccinees Years After Primary Hepatitis B Immunization Bernadette C. Mendoza, Veronica F. Chan and Niña G. Barzaga
Decolorization of Glucose-Glycine Melanoidin as Model Color Pollutant Using Ozonation and Bacterial Treatment Jerry D. Victorio, Dolores P. Buquiran, and Ernesto J. del Rosario
Neem Leaf Aqueous Extract Induced Growth, Pigments, and Photosynthesis Responses of Cyanobacterium Nostoc muscorum Sheo Mohan Prasad, Rajiv Dwivedi, Ranjana Singh Mudit Pratap Vir Vikram Bahadur Singh and Dharmendra Sing