Isozyme Polymorphism of Selected Cultivars of Table-and Cooking-type Banana (Musa sp.) in the Philippines and Genome Identification of the Table-type Cultivars
Isozyme profiles of 20 table-type and 6 cooking-type banana (Musa sp.) cultivars were studied. The different isozymes used include malate dehydrogenase (MDH), 6-phosphogluco dehydrogenase (PGD), phosphoglucoisomerase (PGI), and phosphoglucomutase (PGM). Different banding patterns were observed. Banding patterns (BP) of the different cultivars with known genomes (18) were compared with newly collected cultivars (5 table-types; 3 cooking-type) with unknown genome (UK) to determine the genome identity of the latter. The 4 isozymes were not useful in identifying the genome of the 3 cooking-type cultivars namely, Balatay (BLT), Bataan (BAT), and Dumanese (DUM). To determine the genetic relationships of the different table-type cultivars, dendrogram was created using Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System (NTSYS). Clusters were identified based on the results of Unweighted Pair Group Method Using Averages (UPGMA). Using similarity coefficient of 0.85, the different table-type cultivars were grouped into 6 clusters. The cultivars with similar genomes were not found in the same cluster. In the first cluster, cultivars with AAB (HHG, CAN), AAA (BWE) and AA (LAK) genomes were together. MCS (UK) was found in this cluster. The same thing is true for the second cluster; AAB (LTL and MLA), AAA (TDK), and AA (IBL). KMY (UK) belonged to this group. MPD (UK) clustered with LAT (AAB). MNF (UK) formed a cluster with the rest of the cultivars with AAA genome (BUN, SBG, DCV, PST, and TMK). The clustering of cultivars with AAA and AAB genome may indicate common genomic origin.
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