Weak Algebra Bundles and Associator Varieties

Clarisson Rizzie Canlubo

Institute of Mathematics, and National Science Research Institute
College of Science, University of the Philippines Diliman
Quezon City 1101 Philippines

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Algebra bundles, in the strict sense, appear in many areas of geometry and physics. However, the structure of an algebra is flexible enough to vary non-trivially over a connected base – giving rise to a structure of a weak algebra bundle. We will show that the notion of a weak algebra bundle is more natural than that of a strict algebra bundle by illustrating that the classifying object of algebra bundles and, consequently, of weak algebra bundles is a weak algebra bundle. We will give necessary and sufficient conditions for weak algebra bundles to be locally trivial. The collection of non-trivial associative algebras of a fixed dimension forms a projective variety called associator varieties. We will show that these varieties play the role the Grassmannians play for principal O(n)-bundles.



Weak algebra bundles are generalizations of (strict) algebra bundles. They are monoid objects in the category of vector bundles. Algebra bundles appear more frequently in the literature. The exterior bundle and the Clifford bundle are examples of (strict) algebra bundles. In Section 3, we look at the varieties of associative algebras of a fixed dimension – the so-called associator varieties. In Section 4, we will show that weak algebra bundles are more natural than algebra bundles by constructing the so-called classifying weak algebra bundle. In Section 5, we will give necessary and sufficient conditions for a weak algebra bundle to be locally trivial and, hence, strictness. We will introduce the notion of a differential connection. Existence of a differential connection together with a technical condition guarantee local triviality. . . . . read more



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