The burial mounds of Camiguin Island
Merton L. Miller
Division of Ethnology, Bureau of Science, Manila, P. I.
The Island of Camiguin lies north of the northern end of Luzon, about 55 kilometers distant from Aparri. It is approximately 99 kilometers in extreme lenght and 12 kilometers in extreme width.
At the time of my arrival on the island, April 17, 1910, there was a population of 90 souls. During my stay of six weeks 30 people arrived from Dalupiri and other neighboring islands with the intention of remaining on Camiguin. Tradition says says that there was formerly on the island a population of several thousand, but that the greater part of the people died of cholera between twenty and thirty years ago.
Camiguin is almost entrely covered with forests. If there formerly was a numerous population on it, the clearings which would have been made have become reforested, unless there is some open country of which I did not learn. . . . . read more