Three-step Approach to Edge Detection of Texts
Kristine Rey O. Recio* and Renier G. Mendoza
Institute of Mathematics, University of the Philippines Diliman,
Quezon City, Metro Manila 1101 Philippines
*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We proposed a three-step image segmentation approach to determine the edges of images containing old texts. In general, texts from old books and articles tend to be very noisy. Thus, we first employed a suitable denoising method to obtain a smooth approximation I_s of a given image I ̃. Then, the fuzzy edge map E ̃ was obtained using the gradient of I_s. This gradient map gave an estimate of the edges of the texts. For the second step, the method of k-means++ with two clusters was employed to separate the edges from rest of the image. Because a smooth approximation of the image was used, the edges obtained are "thick." And so, in the last step of the our method, the binary image generated from the previous step was post-processed using a thinning algorithm. We implemented our method to images containing Baybayin texts from the National Museum of the Philippines.
Image segmentation is a process of dividing the image into regions of meaningful parts such that the image will be simplified and easily analyzable. It is considered as one of the most important processes of image processing. The division of images depends on the image segmentation approach, namely discontinuity detection and similarity detection. The discontinuity approach partitions the image depending on the discontinuities that act as boundaries of the regions. On the other hand, the similarity approach partitions the image depending on the similarity of the data; thus, set of pixels with similar attributes makes a region. . . . read more
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