Ophioderma subsessile (Ophioglossaceae), a New Snake
Tongue Fern Species from Mindanao, Philippines


Victor B. Amoroso1,2*, Yvonne Love L. Cariño1,
Joevina C. Nobleza1, and Fulgent P. Coritico1,2

1Center for Biodiversity Research and Extension in Mindanao
2Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences
Central Mindanao University, Musuan, Bukidnon 8710 Philippines


*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Amoroso V et al. 2021. Ophioderma subsessile (Ophioglossaceae), a New Snake Tongue Fern
Species from Mindanao, Philippines. Philipp J Sci 150(S1): 215–221.