Digital Simulations for Grade 7 to 10 Mathematics

Ma. Louise Antonette N. De Las Peñas1*, Debbie Marie B. Verzosa1,2,
Maria Alva Q. Aberin1, Len Patrick Dominic M. Garces1, Flordeliza F. Francisco1,
Evangeline P. Bautista1, Mark Anthony C. Tolentino1, and Winfer C. Tabares1

1Department of Mathematics, School of Science and Engineering,
Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, Metro Manila 1108 Philippines
2Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Southern Mindanao,
Kabacan, Cotabato 9407 Philippines

*Corresponding Author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





This article describes a Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology (DOST-PCIEERD) project aimed to facilitate the implementation of the mathematical objectives raised by the Department of Education’s (DepEd) K to 12 program in the Philippines through the use of innovative digital technologies. In particular, a selection of application software (“apps”) were created for Grade 7 to 10 mathematics that covered topics indicated in the five strands outlined in the K to 12 program – namely (1) number, (2) geometry, (3) measurement, (4) patterns and algebra, and (5) statistics and probability. The design of the apps was informed by an amalgamated framework of the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (Mayer 2005) and Mathematical Theories of Representation (Goldin 1998). The design was informed by how students learn and how students learn mathematics. The project also aimed to design manipulable software that allows learners to construct and grapple with their mental representations of mathematical concepts. This paper describes a selection of the apps designed by the project and how their features were informed by the theoretical framework. It also presents results from pilot studies that demonstrate the apps’ potential to increase performance, facilitate conceptual development, and increase learners’ engagement.



Technology has become an important – if not a necessary – part of the mathematics classroom not only because it enhances learning, but also because the ability to use technological tools is a necessary skill in today's world. The Philippine K to 12 mathematics curriculum framework recognizes that "the use of appropriate tools is needed in teaching mathematics. These include manipulative objects, measuring devices, calculators, computers, smartphones and tablet PCs (personal computers), and the internet" (DepEd 2012). Various computing and graphing devices make lessons more interesting and make exploration and mathematical discovery possible (NCTM 2000). However, the extent and the way technology is used in the teaching of mathematics depend not only on the availability of resources (software, technological tools, infrastructure (Internet), and computer laboratories) but also on the teacher's ability and disposition to use these devices. The primary objective of this project, which was funded by DOST-PCIEERD for the period 2015–2018, was to augment available technological tools for Grade 7 to 10 mathematics by creating interactive apps. Despite a large number of existing apps in the market, only a very small portion provides opportunities for the user to manipulate objects, form conjectures, and refine ideas (Goodwin and Highfield 2013). Instead, most apps are instructive, founded on “drill-and-practice” pedagogic design. . . . read more



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