Aboveground Biomass Characterization of a Young Kawayan Tinik Plantation (Bambusa blumeana J.A. & J.H. Schultes) in Nueva Ecija, Philippines for Bioenergy Production
Rosalie C. Mendoza1*, Ramon A. Razal1, Willie P. Abasolo1,
Roberto G. Visco2, and Canesio D. Predo2
1Department of Forest Products and Paper Science, College of Forestry and
Natural Resources, University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Los Baños,
Laguna, Region IVA 4031 Philippines
2Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, College of Forestry and Natural Resources,
University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Los Baños,
Laguna, Region IVA 4031 Philippines
*Corresponding Author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This study assessed the potential of young kawayan tinik (Bambusa blumeana J.A. & J.H. Schultes) plantation for energy production by determining changes in biomass and calorific content over a three-year period. Yearly determination of biomass and culm growth was done for the plantation in Fort Magsaysay Military Reservation (FMMR) in Nueva Ecija, Philippines, by harvesting entire aboveground culms and non-culm portions of the plant. Culms were separated from branches and leaves and culm dimensions, height and diameter, and mass were obtained for both the culm and non-culm portions. Basal clump diameter was also measured and the number of culms per clump was counted. The chemical properties (volatile matter, fixed carbon, and ash) of the culm and the branches plus leaves (B+L) were likewise determined. Calculations were done for individual culm and total aboveground dry biomass per clump. Analysis of variance showed that both basal clump diameter and culm height were significantly affected by clump age, while culm number per clump and culm diameter did not vary significantly from year to year. Aboveground dry biomass increased with clump age. Chemical properties except for the ash content of the culms were all significantly affected by clump age. Analysis of variance also showed significant effect of clump age to the measured gross calorific values (GCVs) of culms while the corresponding value for B+L samples did not vary with clump age.
The need for renewable energy resources cannot be overemphasized in view of constantly increasing oil prices, global warming and climate change, and depletion of fossil fuel sources. Potential sources of bioenergy from different forms of biomass are being explored and their properties are being determined as they can provide valuable information on the long-term economic value and sustainability of these alternative energy sources.
Bamboo as a renewable energy resource is of great interest, with more than 10 million tons produced annually – almost all of it from Asia (Panayotou and Ashton 1992). Currently, many countries from around the world are producing charcoals, briquettes, and fuel pellets from bamboo. . . . . read more
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