Development of the Philippine National Dose
Registry as a Tool for the Tracking and
Assessment of Occupational Radiation
Exposures and Risks in the Philippines


Kristine Marie D. Romallosa1*, Christy Mae T. Betos1, Elisha John W. Pascual2,
Camille U. Pineda1, Marianna Lourdes Marie L. Grande1,
Ronald E. Piquero1, and Angelo A. Panlaqui1

1Radiation Protection Services Section,
2Management Information Services Section
Department of Science and Technology–Philippine Nuclear Research Institute,
Quezon City 1101 Philippines


*Corresponding author:
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; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Romallosa KM et al. 2020. Development of the Philippine National Dose Registry as a Tool for the Tracking
and Assessment of Occupational Radiation Exposures and Risks in the Philippines. Philipp J Sci 149(S1): 77–86.