Analysis of Water Property Rights and Responsibilities of Rights Holders in Tigum-Aganan Watershed, Philippines
Joy C. Lizada1*, Rosalie Arcala Hall2, Teresita S. Espinosa3, and Agnes C. Rola4
1College of Management, University of the Philippines Visayas,
Miagao, Iloilo 5023 Philippines
2College of Arts and Science, Division of Social Sciences,
University of the Philippines Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo 5023 Philippines
3Water Governance for Development Research,
University of the Philippines Visayas, Iloilo City 5000 Philippines
4Institute for Governance and Rural Development,
College of Public Affairs and Development, University of the Philippines Los Baños,
College, Los Baños, Laguna 4031 Philippines
*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The fragmentation of rights between water permit holders who exercise authority to access, exclude, and withdraw and other institutions with only shared responsibility over watershed management inhibits effective water-related decision making, resulting in conflicts that may lead to unsustainable water supply. This paper analyzes the nature and type of property rights that govern the surface water in the Philippines employing the property rights and responsibility nexus framework – using the Tigum-Aganan watershed (TAW) as a case. It explains the failure in addressing the sedimentation problem as a representation of the weak link among institutions which has adversely affected surface water supply. In addressing sustainability challenges, water property rights and the corresponding responsibilities should be clarified across the institutional hierarchy and coordinated among actors.
Water decisions and actions are products of complex competition and collaboration among institutions and their stake holding constituencies in different hierarchies of governance (Malayang 2004). As demands for water rise for household use, agriculture, and industry, coordination of water use becomes more complex as well as more crucial (Bruns et al. 2005). Water property rights as a policy tool is a potentially powerful instrument in water resource management. The lack of effective water right systems can create major problems in the management of increasingly scarce water supply. The development of such systems can be made more effective through a better understanding of existing right-holders and claimants, and of practical problems involved in implementing an effective water right system (Bruns et al. 2005). . . . . read more
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