Proficiency Indicators for Philippine STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agri/fisheries, Mathematics) Educators

Marie Paz E. Morales1*, Jovito C. Anito2, Ruel A. Avilla3, Edna Luz R. Abulon4, and Caesar P. Palisoc5

1Publication Office, Philippine Normal University, Manila 1000 Philippines
2Jose Rizal University, Mandaluyong 1552 Philippines
3Faculty of Science, Technology and Mathematics, Philippine Normal University, Manila 1000 Philippines
4Educational Policy Research and Development Center, Philippine Normal University, Manila 1000 Philippines
5College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research
Philippine Normal University, Manila 1000 Philippines

*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The study aimed to develop a self-rating tool to determine the proficiency of Philippine Higher Education (PHE) STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agri-Fisheries, Mathematics) Educators. This design and development research emphasized elaborations of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) in the tertiary STEAM education aligned with the Policies, Standards, and Guidelines (PSGs) of 46 STEAM programs (science – 22, technology – 7, engineering – 10, agriculture – 5, and mathematics – 2). The crafted indicators went through expert and statistical validations and analyses to establish the indicators’ content validity, construct validity, and reliability. The experts assessed the indicators’ similarity and variance, appropriateness, phraseology, and ambiguity of items and found that most items from the first version (90 items) suit the criteria and the country’s context. Principal axis factor (PAF) analysis showed that only 60 items represent the seven factor loadings generated from the analysis. These seven factors matched the seven TPCK dimensions: Factor 1 (TPACK [Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge]), Factor 2 (TPK [Technological Pedogogical Knowledge]), Factor 3 (TCK [Technological Content Knowledge]), Factor 4 (PCK [Pedagogical Content Knowledge]), Factor 5 (TK [Technological Knowledge]), Factor 6 (PK [Pedagogical Knowledge]), and Factor 7 (CK [Content Knowledge]). The first four factors with a majority of the generated 60 indicators already explained more than half of the variance as per PAF. Furthermore, all seven factors and the entire set of 60 indicators obtained above standard reliability indices as per Cronbach’s alpha analysis, thus incurring valid and reliable 60 indicators of proficiency for PHE STEAM educators that may be utilized for reflective practice and policy inputs to Philippine STEAM Education.




In this era, knowledge and education are considered as key capitals for economic progress and social development. This knowledge-based society and knowledge economy seek new and appropriate skills to meet countries’ growing global and economic development (Morales 2017). Thus, to keep abreast of these developments, novel and suitable learning outcomes may be needed, which call for quality learning and education to provide the country with good manpower and human capital (Blankley and Booyens 2010, Lane 2014, EDB 2016). Most developed and developing countries believe that training, education in all fields including STEM, research and innovation, development of e-services, and digitization are the main pillars of knowledge-based society and economy (Government Office of the Slovak Republic 2018). In fact, most first world countries believe in STEM education to provide them skilled human resource and bring economic prowess (Wise 2015, Oberoi 2016, Fiddis 2017). Developing countries including the Philippines share the same vision through a similar paradigm, emphasizing STEM education as a roadmap to innovation and country progress (Padolina 2014, Ahmed 2016). . . . . . read more




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