Nutrients and Heavy Metal Contents on Surface
of Agricultural Soils in the Flood-plains of Taft River Basin
Impacted by Bagacay Mines, Philippines


Jessie R. Sabijon1*, Venecio U. Ultra Jr.2, Marcos E. Bollido1,
Mikee B. Openiano1, Derby E. Poliquit1, Reynaldo R. Aquino1,
Eduardo G. Espejon Jr.1, Zaldee Nino D. Tan1, and Feleciano R. Bejar1

1Northwest Samar State University San Jorge Campus, San Jorge, Samar 6707 the Philippines
2Department of Earth and Environmental Science, College of Science,
Botswana International University of Science
and Technology, Palapye 10071 Botswana

*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Sabijon J et al. 2024. Nutrients and Heavy Metal Contents on Surface of Agricultural Soils in the
Flood-plains of Taft River Basin Impacted by Bagacay Mines, Philippines. Philipp J Sci 153(1): 375–390.