Unmasking the Real Effect of Gender of Household Head in
Household Food Security in the Philippines


Mildred O. Guirindola1,2*, Carlo G. Custodio Jr.2, Jessica D. Villanueva2, and Ruel B. Guirindola3

1Department of Science and Technology–Food and Nutrition Research Institute,
Bicutan 1631 Taguig City, Philippines
2University of the Philippines Los Baños, SESAM, College 4030 Laguna, Philippines
3Philippine Children’s Medical Center, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines


*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Guirindola M et al. 2023. Unmasking the Real Effect of Gender of Household Head
in Household Food Security in the Philippines. Philipp J Sci 152(1): 205–218.