Masturbation in a Free-ranging Male Long-tailed
Macaque Macaca fascicularis (Raffles, 1821)
on Mindanao Island, Philippines


Lief Erikson D. Gamalo1*, Shiela Mae E. Cabrera1,
Noel Carl L. delos Reyes1, Aleyla E. de Cadiz1, Joselito B. Chavez Jr.2,
and Aaron Froilan M. Raganas1

1Department of Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies,
College of Science and Mathematics, University of the Philippines Mindanao,
Mintal, Tugbok District, Davao City 8000 Philippines
2Hijo Resources Corporation, Hijo Plantation, Madaum, Tagum City 8100 Philippines


*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Gamalo LE et al. 2022. Masturbation in a Free-ranging Male Long-tailed Macaque Macaca fascicularis (Raffles,
1821) on Mindanao Island, Philippines. Philipp J Sci 151(6A): 2271–2274.