Comparative Study on Determination
of Selected Rare Earth Elements (REEs)
in Ion Adsorption Clays Using
Handheld LIBS and ICP-MS


Cris Reven L. Gibaga*, Mariel O. Montano, Jessie O. Samaniego,
Alexandria M. Tanciongco, and Rico Neil M. Quierrez

Department of Science and Technology–Philippine Nuclear Research Institute,
Quezon City 1101 Philippines


*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Gibaga CR et al. 2022. Comparative Study on Determination of Selected Rare Earth Elements (REEs) in Ion
Adsorption Clays Using Handheld LIBS and ICP-MS. Philipp J Sci 151(5): 1599–1604.