Philippine Seven Tropical Maar Lakes
are Ideal Habitats for the Invasive
Arctodiaptomus dorsalis Marsh, 1907
(Copepoda: Calanoida)


Justine R. de Leon1*, Dino T. Tordesillas1,2, Irian J.L. Biag3, Sean H.L. Cusi3,
John A.B. Tan3, Edna Marie Mijares1, Jaydan I. Aguilar1,
and Rey Donne S. Papa1,3,4

1The Graduate School; 2Senior High School
3Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science
4Research Center for the Natural and Applied Sciences
University of Santo Tomas, Manila 1015 Philippines


*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


de Leon J et al. 2022. Philippine Seven Tropical Maar Lakes are Ideal Habitats for the Invasive Arctodiaptomus
Marsh, 1907 (Copepoda: Calanoida). Philipp J Sci 151(1): 281–290.