Predation on a Parachute Gecko Gekko sp.
by Long-tailed Macaques Macaca fascicularis
(Raffles, 1821) in Mt. Apo Natural Park, Philippines
Lief Erikson D. Gamalo1,3,4, Brian T. Sabanal1,3, and Jay T. Torrefiel2*
1Department of Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies
College of Science and Mathematics, University of the Philippines Mindanao
Mintal, Davao City 8000 Philippines
2Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of the Philippines
Visayas Tacloban College, Tacloban City 6500 Philippines
3Wildlife-Human Interaction Studies, Ecological Research, and Biodiversity
Conservation Laboratory, University of the Philippines Mindanao
Mintal, Davao City 8000 Philippines
4National Research Council of the Philippines,
Department of Science and Technology Taguig City 1630 Philippines
*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gamalo LE et al. 2022. Predation on a Parachute Gecko Gekko sp. by Long-tailed Macaques Macaca fascicularis
(Raffles, 1821) in Mt. Apo Natural Park, Philippines. Philipp J Sci 151(1): 153–156. https://doi.org/10.56899/151.01.11