Benefits of Short-term Modified Stepping Exercise
on Blood Pressure and Physical Performance
in Female Elderly with Hypertension: a Pilot Study


Chawin Sarinukul1,2, Wanida Donpunha1, Saowanee Nakmareong1,
Kittisak Sawanyawisuth3, Wanida Ruksapukdee4, and Taweesak Janyacharoen1,2*

1Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences
2Research Center in Back, Neck and Other Joint Pain and Human Performance
3Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand
4Department of Physiotherapy, Chum-Phae Hospital
Chum Phae District, Khon Kaen, Thailand


*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Sarinukul C et al. 2021. Benefits of Short-term Modified Stepping Exercise on Blood Pressure and Physical
Performance in Female Elderly with Hypertension: a Pilot Study. Philipp J Sci 150(6B): 1703–1709.