Biosurfactant Production by Streptomyces sp.
CGS B11 Using Molasses and Spent Yeast Medium


Alvin P. Jimenez1, Princess J. Requiso1,2, Johnry S. Maloles1,
Edwin P. Alcantara1, and Virgie A. Alcantara1*

1Biotechnology for Industry, Environment, and Energy Program (BIEEP)
National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (BIOTECH)

2Department of Engineering Science
College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology
University of the Philippines, Los Baños, Laguna 4031 Philippines


*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Jimenez A et al. 2021. Biosurfactant Production by Streptomyces sp. CGS B11 Using
Molasses and Spent Yeast Medium. Philipp J Sci 150(1): 1–15.