Optimization of Rice, Soybean, and Yellow Sweet Potato
Flour Concentrations for Improved Nutritional
and Sensory Quality of Infant Food
Riza G. Abilgos-Ramos*, El Shaira A. Rizzo, Xenia Portia S. Fuentes,
Amelia V. Morales, and Raffy B. Rodriguez
Rice Chemistry and Food Science Division, Philippine Rice Research Institute
Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija 3119 Philippines
*Corresponding authors: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Abilgos-Ramos R et al. 2020. Optimization of Rice, Soybean, and Yellow Sweet Potato Flour Concentrations
for Improved Nutritional and Sensory Quality of Infant Food. Philipp J Sci 149(4): 1161–1173.