Contraction of a Wave Packet while Scattering with a Step Potential

Vincent Gene L. Otero and Anthony Allan D. Villanueva*

Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Los Baños,
College, Los Baños, Laguna 4031 the Philippines



A free particle represented by a Gaussian wave packet with a negative statistical correlation between the position and momentum can have a decreasing position uncertainty (or wave packet contraction) for a finite duration. We numerically simulate particle scattering in such a Gaussian state with a step potential barrier to see if the contraction is still present. The time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) was solved using the Crank-Nicolson method implemented in the Python programming language. We show that with a negative position-momentum correlation, the incident Gaussian wave packet and the reflected wave packet both exhibit a persistent contractive behavior. This particle localization suggests that more precise position measurements during barrier scattering events beyond the standard quantum limit are possible.



In quantum mechanics, the wave property of a microscopic particle (10–9 m or smaller) manifests when it encounters a potential barrier. Mathematically, the particle is modeled as a wave packet in position-space. This assumes that the particle momentum is no longer definite. Instead, there is a spread of momenta of order ∆𝑝 (the momentum uncertainty) representing the coherent superposition of different momentum states. The dispersion and propagation of this wave packet are determined by the time-dependent Schrödinger . . . . read more