DNA Barcoding and Diversity Analysis
of 19 Economically Important Philippine
Sea Cucumbers (Holothuroidea)


Ma. Neda Alcudia-Catalma1§, Maria Genaleen Q. Diaz2, Roberta N. Garcia1,
Pablo P. Ocampo2, Antonio C. Laurena1, and Evelyn Mae Tecson-Mendoza1*

1Institute of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture and Food Science
2Institute of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences
University of the Philippines Los Baños, College 4031 Laguna, Philippines
§Silk/Silkworm Genomics Project, Research and Development Division
Philippine Textile Research Institute, Department of Science and Technology
Bicutan 1631 Taguig City, Philippines


*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Alcudia-Catalma MN et al. 2020. DNA Barcoding and Diversity Analysis of 19 Economically
Important Philippine Sea Cucumbers (Holothuroidea). Philipp J Sci 149(2): 335–346.