Effect of Indigenous Processing on the Nutrient and Antinutrient Content of Corn (Zea mays L.)

Jennifer P. Fronteras1*, Pretty Lou S. Malida, Charles Luke U. Lumakin,
Rovi Gem E. Villame, Pedro A. Alviola IV, Marbie A. Alpos, and Aaron P. Lorilla

University of the Philippines Mindanao, Tugbok District, Davao City 8022 Philippines

*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





Antinutrients are metabolites that can decrease the bioavailability of nutrients in food, but they can be reduced by certain processing methods. The Obu Manuvu group in Marilog District, Davao City practices indigenous processing of corn. Analyses of the antinutrient content showed a significant decrease in cyanogenic glycoside and tannin. These changes profoundly affected the proximate composition and mineral content of corn. The total carbohydrate, zinc, manganese, and calcium content increased while moisture, crude fat, and crude fiber content decreased after processing. Hence, the indigenous processing of corn by the Obu Manuvu represents a good practice in improving the nutritional profile of corn in terms of greater availability of some nutrients.



Antinutrients are secondary metabolites synthesized naturally by plants as defense mechanism against herbivorous and pathogenic organisms, as well as adverse growing conditions (Bora 2014). One major concern about antinutrients is their binding ability with nutrients. Hence, these compounds can potentially reduce the availability of nutrients especially proteins, vitamins, and minerals, thereby limiting their maximum utilization in the body (Gemede & Ratta 2014). However, studies have shown that several traditional food processing methods can be employed to reduce or remove these antinutrients (Bora 2014). . . . . . read more



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