Coupling School Risk Reduction Strategies with LAMESA (Life-Saving Automated “Mesa” to Endure Seismic Activity) for Kindergarten

Marie Paz E. Morales1*, Ira C. Valenzuela2, Edna Luz R. Abulon3, Nilo M. Arago4, and Ma. Carmela T. Mancao5

1Publication Office, Philippine Normal University, Manila 1000 Philippines
2De La Salle University, Manila 0922 Philippines
3Educational Policy Research and Development Center,
Philippine Normal University, Manila 1000 Philippines
4College of Engineering, Technological University of the Philippines, Manila 1000 Philippines
5Faculty of Behavioral and Social Science, Philippine Normal University, Manila 1000 Philippines

*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The study linked school risk reduction and disaster preparedness strategy using a designed automated study desk for kindergarten. This desk, LAMESA (Life-saving Automated “Mesa” to Endure Seismic Activity), aimed to provide the education system with a resilient study desk for kindergarten. Design and development research used lightweight but highly strong and elastic materials to build the automated desk conforming to the kindergarten standards. The system and program designs ensured good peak ground acceleration (PGA) and a fix response time (4 sec.) to effectively and efficiently facilitate “duck (drop), cover, hold” actions of kindergartens to shield them from debris in the eventuality of a strong seismic activity. Purposively chosen experts (engineers, scientists, and programmers) and stakeholders (kindergarten teachers, the laboratory school principal, parents, and district supervisor) evaluated the automated desk as excellent in features, design, and visual; as a warning system when earthquakes occur; as safety infrastructure for students; and as a learning tool. For holistic packaging, the desk may undergo strength test and is also recommended to include ad materials and training kits.



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