Review on the Real-time Implementation
of IoT-enabled UAV in Precision Agriculture
and the Overview of Collision Avoidance Strategies
Tamilselvan Ganesan1*, Niresh Jayarajan2, and P. Sureshkumar3
1Research Scholar, Department of Automobile Engineering,
PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 641004, India
2Assistant Professor, Department of Automobile Engineering,
PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 641004, India
3Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Pichanur 641105, India
*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ganesan T et al. 2023. Review on the Real-time Implementation of IoT-enabled UAV in Precision
Agriculture and the Overview of Collision Avoidance Strategies. Philipp J Sci 152(3): 1111–1130.