Carbon Storage of Vegetation in the Different Land
Uses of Mt. Musuan in Bukidnon, Philippines


Joseph C. Paquit1*, Victor B. Amoroso2, and Kleia Deinisa Polinar1

1Department of Forest Biological Science, College of Forestry and
Environmental Science, Central Mindanao University,
Maramag, Bukidnon 8710 Philippines
2Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences,
Central Mindanao University, Maramag, Bukidnon 8710 Philippines


*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Paquit J et al. 2023. Carbon Storage of Vegetation in the Different Land Uses
of Mt. Musuan in Bukidnon, Philippines. Philipp J Sci 152(3): 1085–1093.