DNA Barcoding of Six Ethnomedicinal
and Economically Important Pandanus Parkinson
(Pandanaceae) in the Philippines
Propa Joy R. Santor1,2*, Jorge Anton D. Ordas1,2, Jay Edneil C. Olivar2,
Porferio S. Bangcaya3, Maribel G. Nonato2,4,
and Grecebio Jonathan D. Alejandro1,2,4
1Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science
University of Santo Tomas, España, Manila, Philippines
2Research Center for the Natural and Applied Sciences
University of Santo Tomas, España, Manila, Philippines
3University of Antique–Tario Lim Memorial Campus
Poblacion, Tibiao, Antique, Philippines
4The Graduate School
University of Santo Tomas, España, Manila, Philippines
*Corresponding author:
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Santor PJ et al. 2021. DNA Barcoding of Six Ethnomedicinal and Economically Important
Pandanus Parkinson (Pandanaceae) in the Philippines. Philipp J Sci 150(5): 1321–1335.