Mitrastemonaceae: A New Family Record for the Philippines
Victor B. Amoroso1,2*, Noe P. Mendez2, and Noel E. Lagunday2
1Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, Central Mindanao University,
University Town, Musuan 8710 Bukidnon, Philippines
2Center for Biodiversity Research and Extension in Mindanao (CEBREM),
Central Mindanao University, University Town, Musuan 8710 Bukidnon, Philippines
*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mitrastemonaceae is represented by a sole genus – Mitrastemon – with only two known species worldwide, which parasitize on roots of many trees. This paper reports the discovery of Mitrastemon yamamotoi from Mt. Malambo, Mindanao, Philippines. Mitrastemonaceae is revealed to be a new family record for the Philippines. Added to its taxonomic description, its habitat characterization, phenology, conservation status, and implications are also discussed.
Mitrastemonaceae contains only one genus, Mitrastemon, a non-photosynthetic plant parasitic on the roots of many tree species (Rutherford 1970, Rao & Balakrishnan 1972) and is amphipacific in distribution (Meijer & Veldkamp 1993). The family is represented with only two species worldwide – Mitrastemon matudae Yamam. found in Central America and M. yamamotoi Makino found in tropical and subtropical Asia (Meijer & Veldkamp 1993).
Meijer and Veldkamp (1993) considered the genus Mitrastemon under Rafflesiaceae, banking on the works of Hayata (1913) and Watanabe (1933a–b, 1934a–d, 1935a–b, 1936a–d, 1937a–b). However, despite these investigations, the precise taxonomic position of the genus is still not clear. Recent work considered the taxa in separate family Mitrastemonaceae (Mir et al. 2016). The latter classification . . . . read more
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WATANABE K. 1933a. Biologie von Mitrastemon yamomotoi Makino (Rafflesiaceae). I. Fruchte und Samen. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 67: 798–805
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