In Vitro Germination and Viability Testing of Nipa (Nypa fructicans Wurmb.) Pollen under Different Storage Conditions
Junaldo A. Mantiquilla1*, Merlene E. Elumba1, Jenny A. Adtoon1, Reynaldo G. Abad2, Cyrose Suzie S. Millado1, and Gilda C. Rivero3
1Department of Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies (DBSES),
College of Science and Mathematics (CSM), University of the Philippines (UP) Mindanao,
Mintal, Davao City 8022 Philippines
2formerly affiliated with DBSES, CSM, UP Mindanao; Davao Doctor’s College,
Gen. Malvar St., Davao City 8000 Philippines
3formerly affiliated with the Institute of Biology, UP Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines
*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Viability levels of fresh nipa (Nypa fruticans Wurmb.) pollen samples were determined using acetocarmine stain to identify viable from non-viable pollen. Regardless of the position of male spikes in the inflorescence, the general viability level was estimated at 97.80% even when pollen samples were subjected to temperature of 40 °C at 12, 24, 36, and 48 h. Pollen samples stored under different temperatures in 75 d revealed that oven-drying (40 °C) achieved 96.4% viability, which is significantly higher than deep freezer (–20 °C). Fresh pollen samples collected in Davao Region without pre-drying showed low initial viability in Bago Aplaya, while those from Hagonoy and Carmen had higher % viability due to exposure to higher temperature during longer transit. In vitro germination also showed that pollen broke open by aperture when subjected to different levels of sucrose (2, 4, 6, 8, and 10%) at different duration (1, 2, 3, 4 h). The content of the pollen was released instead of tube growth during this test, which requires further validation.
Nipa (Nypa fruticans Wurmb.), belonging to the palm family Arecaceae, is the only widely distributed palm that is considered as a mangrove-associated species but thrives in an exclusively freshwater environment (Riffle & Craft 2003; Joshi et al. 2006). Although nipa minimally constitutes the mangrove vegetation, its distinctive morphology, habitat specificity, and climatic preferences are good indicators of past vegetation and environmental parameters as useful characteristics in tracing primitive plants (Gee 2001). Economically, several products are obtained from the leaves, inflorescences, and fruits of this palm. Among those versatile uses include medicines, roof thatches, hats, raincoats, and other important commercial products (Hamilton & Murphy 1988). Its sap is used to produce beverage, sugar, and vinegar; it has also been studied as a potential source of biofuel (Rasco 2010). . . . read more
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