Glue and Preservative Effects on the Properties and Durability of Engineered Bamboo Boards

Marina A. Alipon*, Carlos M. Garcia, and Elvina O. Bondad

Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI),
Department of Science and Technology (DOST), College, Laguna 4031 Philippines


*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The effect of glue and preservative treatments on the physico-mechanical properties and durability against bamboo-destroying insects, respectively, of engineered bamboo boards from kauayan-tinik (Bambusa blumeana J.A. & J.H. Schultes) and giant bamboo [Dendrocalamus asper (Schultes f.) Backer ex Heyne] were evaluated.  Costs of glues to bind the bamboo slats and chemical treatments were computed. Six glue types were used: polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) for interior and exterior use (Glue 1); PVAc for interior use (Glue 2); urea formaldehyde (UF, Glue 3); Glue 3 + 5% isocyanate (Glue 4); Glue 3 + 1.5% isocyanate (Glue 5); and phenol formaldehyde (PF) (Glue 6). The chemical used included: permethrin (T1); fenvalerate (T2); deltamethrin (T3); propiconazole (T4); deltamethrin + propiconazole (T5); and disodium octaborate tetrahydrate.(DOT, T6) Standard procedures were applied in evaluating the physical (relative density and moisture content) and mechanical (modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity in static bending, hardness, and shear) properties of the bamboo boards. Engineered bamboo samples glued with PF and UF did not pass the US Formaldehyde Emission Limits (FEL) for composite wood products. However, both passed the FEL for composite wood products in Japan, although UF fell in the average limit category. Overall, the combination of PVAc + deltamethrin is highly recommended for high-end products such as housing components (floor tiles, balusters, windows, and doors). The UF + deltamethrin combination was also cost-effective. However, the strength properties of UF – particularly shear which measures the bonding strength of glue – was significantly lower than samples glued with PVAc.



In recent years, the importance of bamboo as a renewable natural resource has received international recognition due to worldwide concern about the destruction of tropical rainforests, the increasing demand for forest products, and the need for the sustainable supply of forest resources. Forestry statistics showed that Philippine forest covers was reduced from 17,025,111 ha in 1976 to 6,839,832 ha. Consequently, EO No. 3 dated 2011 imposes a moratorium on the harvesting of timber in natural and second-growth forest. On the other hand, bamboo is among those exempted in the moratorium. It showed promising potential as alternative materials to timber. . . . read more



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