Assembly Program Performance Analysis Metrics: Instructions Performed and Program Latency Exemplified on Loop Unroll
Jonathan Paul Cempron, Chudrack Shalym Salinas*, and Roger Luis Uy
Computer Technology Department
De La Salle University, Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines
*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Software program optimization for improved execution speed can be achieved through modifying the program. Said program is usually written in High-Level languages then later translated into Low-Level languages, a language specific to the processor used. A larger coverage of optimization can be achieved through optimizing in Low-Level Language – rather than in the High-Level language – because all High-Level languages are eventually translated to Low-Level. One method that has been used in the past is Loop Unrolling, which is done by transforming iterative looping blocks into longer sequential code blocks. This method of optimization increases code length but reduces branching instructions and the latencies introduced by said instructions. However, measuring the performance difference between the original code against the loop unroll optimized code cannot be exposed using current static performance metrics, which rely on IC. Alternative metrics – Instructions Performed and Instruction Latency – are proposed for examining the effectivity of optimization due to the limitations in traditional metrics based on IC. As an extension of loop unrolling, its specific explanation in this paper is discussed as a pre-processor for auto-vectorization. The specific methods of vectorization, however, will not be a part of this paper’s scope.
High-level and Low-level Languages
Programming is the means of instructing a computer to perform certain operations. Giving computer instructions is done using programming languages. Programming languages have two different levels: High-Level and Low-Level programming languages. High-Level programming languages such as Java, C, C++, COBOL, and FORTRAN are characterized by their relative accessibility and ease of use for the programmer. High-Level programming languages abstract programming in a way that the instructions given to and interpreted by a computer can be written in a way that is much more similar to human languages (Casavant 1988). A High-Level language is then compiled and translated to Low-Level language, which is easily understood by . . . . . read more
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