Leptin (T3469C) and Estrogen Receptor (T1665G) Gene Polymorphisms and Their Associations to Backfat Thickness and Reproductive Traits of Large White Pigs (Sus scrofa L.)

Renato SA. Vega1, Ronne Matthews C. Castillo2, Nyka Noelle B. Barrientos3,
Mariedel M. Llanes-Autriz4, Byung-Wook Cho5, Celia B. de la Viña6, and Neilyn O. Villa6

1Animal Physiology Division, Institute of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and
Food Science, University of the Philippines Los Baños 4031 College, Laguna
2U.P. Rural High School, College of Arts and Sciences, UP Los Baños 4031 College, Laguna
3Medical Student, University of the Philippines Manila,
4Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Food, Environment and
Natural Resources, Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite
5Department of Animal Science, College of Natural Resources and Life Sciences,
Pusan National University, Miryang 627 – 702, Busan, Republic of Korea
6Genetics and Molecular Biology Division, Institute of Biological Sciences,
College of Arts and Sciences, UP Los Baños 4031 College, Laguna

*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




The study was conducted to associate polymorphism of the leptin (LEP) and the estrogen receptor (ESR) genes with backfat thickness and reproductive performance in Large White sows. Nuclear DNA was isolated from hair follicles of 24 (for LEP) and 30 (for ESR) Large White sows in a commercial breeder farm. Amplification of the T3469C region of LEP and T1665G region of ESR was accomplished following digestion with Hinfl and PvuII restriction enzymes, respectively. Electrophoresis of the LEP digestion products revealed genotype frequencies of 0.625 for TT (n=15), 0.25 for TC (6), and 0.125 for CC (3).Meanwhile the ESR genotype frequencies for AA, AB, and BB were 0.50 (15), 0.37 (11), and 0.13 (4), respectively. LEP polymorphism was not related to backfat thickness at farrowing and 21 days of lactation. Significant genotype associations were observed only for total litter size at birth (p<0.05) and total litter size born alive (p<0.01). ESR polymorphism was not significantly different for backfat thickness, litter size at birth, litter size at weaning, weight at 21 days old, and weaning to estrus interval. The three Large White sows having the CC LEP genotype have14 litters size born alive. It is recommended that more Large White CC genotype sows be kept and monitored for further validation of the T3469C LEP polymorphism as candidate marker for sow productivity.

Key words: BFT, ESR, leptin, reproductive traits, single nucleotide polymorphism



Generally, reproduction traits have low heritable estimates (Robison & Revelle 1973) compared to production traits in all livestock species. Pigs are unique among all mammals because they undergo multiple ovulations and deliver an average of ten piglets in every farrowing. Hence, sows are generally on negative energy balance from farrowing to weaning i.e., they utilize their body energy reserve for the recovery of the brain, uterus, and ovary while nursing an average of ten growing piglets for the period of 30 days (Flowers 2002).Thus, earlier age of weaning (23 days old) was reported to have significant increase in litters born alive by 0.5 compared to 29 days weaning (Vega et al. 2012). . . . . . read more



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