Comparative Evaluation of Direct Dry-Seeded and Transplanted Rice in the Dry Zone of Karnataka, India

Junel B. Soriano1*, Suhas P. Wani2, Adusumilli N. Rao3, Gajanan L. Sawargaonkar2, and Jnanesha A.C. Gowda2

1Isabela State University, Echague, Isabela 3309 Philippines
2International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT),
Patancheru -  502 324, Telangana State, India
3ICRISAT Development Center (IDC) and International Rice Research Institute (IRRI),
IRRI South Asia Hub at ICRISAT, Patancheru - 502 324, Telangana State, India

*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Sustaining yield and economic stability of direct dry-seeded rice needs to be considered before setting into large scale adoption of the emerging rice production system in the dry zone areas of Karnataka state, India. The study was aimed at comparing direct dry-seeded and transplanted systems of rice cultivation with the participation of farmers concerning rice growth, yield, water productivity, and economic returns. Samba Mahsuri (BPT 5204) rice cultivar was used in the two-year farmer participatory field study conducted at Raichur district of Karnataka. The rice grain yield, harvest index, 1,000-grain weight, and above-ground biomass did not differ among direct dry-seeded and transplanted rice systems. Results of this study indicated that higher grain yield with direct dry-seeded rice can be achieved by using rice cultivars that can produce more productive tillers plus longer panicles and not necessarily high biomass. Irrigation water use for direct dry-seeded rice is lesser by around 46% compared with transplanted rice due to dry cultivation during land preparation and flush irrigation at early crop growth stages. Grain yield of direct dry-seeded rice, which was comparable to that of transplanted rice and with higher water productivity, indicates that this system can be more attractive to rice farmers in the dry zones. Slight reduction in grain yield (5%) with direct dry-seeded rice compared to transplanted rice was compensated by 44-48% lower production cost, resulting in significantly higher net returns by US$ 230 ha-1 (23%) compared to transplanted rice. The benefit-cost ratio was significantly higher in direct dry-seeded rice by 69%. Considering usual drought and unstable water supply situations in the dry zones, it is anticipated that farmer adoption of direct dry-seeded rice system will be increased due to the benefits of greater profitability, better grain yield of improved cultivars, and higher water productivity.

Key words: direct dry-seeded rice, dry zone, economic returns, grain yield, transplanted rice, water productivity



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