Prevalence of Leptospira-agglutinating Antibodies in Abattoir Workers
and Slaughtered Animals in
Selected Slaughterhouses in Cavite, Philippines

Norbel A. Tabo1,2*, Sharon Yvette Angelina M. Villanueva2,
and Nina G. Gloriani2

1Biological Sciences Department, College of Science and Computer Studies,
De La Salle University - Dasmariñas, Dasmariñas City Cavite 4115 Philippines
2Department of Medical Microbiology, College of Public Health,
University of the Philippines - Manila, Manila 1000 Philippines

*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Leptospirosis is known to be endemic in the Philippines with high incidence during rainy season or after heavy rains in flood-prone areas. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of antibodies against Leptospira in abattoir workers and slaughtered animals in selected slaughterhouses in Cavite, Philippines. Serum samples obtained from 46 abattoir workers and 69 slaughtered animals were subjected to microscopic agglutination test. Results showed that 15.2% of abattoir workers in the study sites were positive for Leptospira-agglutinating antibodies against  L. interrogans serovar (sv) Canicola, Losbanos, and Ratnapura; L.  fainei sv Hurtsbridge; and L. borgpetersenii sv Poi. On the other hand, the overall Leptospira-seropositivity in slaughtered animals was 58.0%, 61.7% of which was in pigs and 33.3% in cows. The most frequently occurring serovar in pigs was Poi with 38.3%, followed by L. interrogans sv Icterohaemorrhagiae strain Ictero No. 1 (18.3%), Copenhageni (16.7%), and Icterohaemorrhagiae strain RGA (8.3%). On the other hand, the most frequently occurring serovar in cows was Poi (22.2%). The presence of common serovars in abattoir worker-slaughtered animal interface could indicate continual source of leptospires and could pose problems on human health. These serovars could be potential candidates for the development of vaccines and diagnostic tests.


Key words: abattoir workers, Leptospira-agglutinating antibodies, microscopic agglutination test, prevalence, slaughtered animals



Leptospirosis has been recognized as an emerging global public health problem because of its increasing incidence in both developing and developed countries (WHO & ILS 2003). It is highly endemic in the Philippines with disease incidence estimated at 4.8 per million population (Pappas et al. 2008). In a four-year period from 2011 to 2014, an average of 786 leptospirosis/leptospirosis-like illnesses was observed (DOH 2014). Most of the cases peak during rainy months or after typhoons due to flooding and have been a continuing problem in the country (Victoriano et al. 2009). However, during summer months occupationally at-risk groups such as farmers, abattoir workers, and garbage collectors are affected (DOH 2014).. . . . read more



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