Bioavailability and Accumulation Assessment of Copper in Pityrogramma calomelanos

Joshua Karl A. Dahilan and Juliet Q. Dalagan

Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan
Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, 9000 Philippines

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Bioavailability and hyperaccumulation of copper (Cu) in Pityrogramma calomelanos was evaluated using sequential extraction technique (SET) and atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). Bioaccumulation factor (BAF) was found to be greater than 1 which means that P. calomelanos is a metallophyte, a plant capable of accumulating metals into its roots and shoots. Translocation factor (TF) which was less than 1 signified that P. calomelanos is a possible excluder, a plant that prevents metal transport to the plant shoots. The highest Cu uptake in the fronds was 821.60 mgCu/kg dry weight indicating that the plant is not a hyperaccumulator. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrum of the soil, above and below ground parts of the plant revealed shifting of the absorption bands which is indicative of the interaction of Cu with the functional groups present in the plant and soil.  FTIR spectra of above and below ground parts of the plant showed the interaction of Cu with the O-H group of the carboxylic acid at 2973 cm-1, Cu with C=O group at about 1639 cm-1  and Cu with C-H group at 1162 cm-1.  FTIR spectra of the soil illustrated the attachment of Cu to soil minerals by the emergence of the 1033 cm-1   peak.  Bioavailable Cu through SET analysis revealed 430.70 mgCu/kgsoil of soluble and exchangeable Cu, 380.67 mgCu/kgsoil of Cu bound to carbonates and 425.97 mgCu/kgsoil of Cu bound to iron and manganese oxides.

Copper (Cu) is a metal that has many applications in human society from power generation and transmission to electronic product manufacturing, and to the production of industrial machinery and transportation vehicles. Copper is also an essential trace mineral and enzyme co-factor for oxidases such as cytochrome c oxidase, superoxide dismutase and tyrosinases and is important for both physical and mental health of organisms, but it can be toxic at high levels. Cu accumulates in the environment in its free state, eventually reaching concentrations hazardous to health as it generates reactive oxygen species such as superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and the hydroxyl radicals that damage proteins, lipids and DNA (Das et al. 2013; Rascio and Navari-izzo 2011). . . . read more

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