Food Safety Knowledge Assessment Model for Pre-trained Food Handlers
Abigail S. Rustia1,*, Ma. Patricia V. Azanza1,2, and Fredelyn S. Gascon1
1Department of Food Science and Nutrition, College of Home Economics,
University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines
2Industrial Technology Development Institute, Department of Science and Technology,
Bicutan, Taguig City 1633 Philippines
*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The study developed and utilized a model for the assessment of food safety knowledge for pre-trained food handlers, with the aim of defining specific food safety training needs for food handlers with previous awareness in food safety. The recommended levels of knowledge for assessment were: awareness, as having previous exposure to food safety information through prior training; recall, as the ability to retrieve food safety knowledge as tested by face-to-face interview; and comprehension, as the ability to show translation of knowledge to practice as a skill in the vending environment of a food handler. These levels of food safety knowledge were utilized since deviations may result to health risks.
It was reported in this study that support resources as moderating variables were necessary for the translation of food safety knowledge to practice. The identified resources were falling under the control of managerial decision support by both street food business owners, as part of the private management to vending, and by local government entities contributing to public good of the vending business. Specifics to these resources were funds for street vending operations, provision of sanitary facilities, hiring of skilled manpower, and supply of appropriate utilities. The inclusion of moderating variables to the TNA model was recommended, in order to attain focus in the training of food handlers with previous awareness to the food safety information.
It has been shown that the exposure and acquisition of information do not necessarily translate to its effective practice (Omemu & Aderoju 2006). Barrett et al. (2005) reported that knowledge is differentiated to varying capacities of individuals to exercise judgments in different situations. Several researches have established that there was a large gap between acquired knowledge and practice in the fields of food science (Azanza et al. 2000), medicine (Eagle et al. 2003), and public health (Morrissey et al. 1997; Brownson et al. 2006). According to Eagle et al. (2003), the American College of Cardiology has previously noted that there was a gap in the practice of clinical science and has emphasized the need to facilitate complete alignment of practice with pre-acquired knowledge in medical guidelines. . . . . read more
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