On-Farm Evaluation of Dry-Seeded Rice Cultivars and
Cropping Systems in the Semi-Arid Region of India

Junel B. Soriano1*, Suhas P. Wani2, Adusumilli N. Rao3, Anantha K. Hanumanthappa2,
Jnanesha A.C. Gowda2, and  Abhishek Rathore2

1Isabela State University, San Fabian, Echague, Isabela
2International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid
Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru, Telangana State, India
3ICRISAT Development Center (IDC) and International Rice Research Institute (IRRI),
IRRI-South Asia Hub at ICRISAT, Patancheru, Telangana State, India

*Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Improving and sustaining rice-based cropping systems in the semi-arid region are essential in persistent drought condition triggered by worsening effects of climate change and declining water availability. This on-farm study was conducted to evaluate and identify the most productive, resource-efficient and profitable direct dry-seeded rice (DDSR) cultivars, and DDSR-based cropping systems in the semi-arid region particularly in water-short irrigated rice areas. Farmer participatory field studies were conducted in Raichur District of Karnataka State, India to assess the performance of DDSR cultivars (Samba Mahsuri, Gangavathi Sona and Prasanna) seeded during the rainy season in rotation with dryland crops (chickpea, mustard and green gram) following rice. Among the three rice cultivars, Gangavathi Sona yielded 9% and 15% higher than Samba Mahsuri and Prasanna, respectively. Our study showed that productivity of rice can be improved by using drought resistant and high yielding cultivars with high harvest index, and stable canal water supply at the reproductive stage. Chickpea and green gram yielded better than mustard under minimal soil aeration conditions of zero-tilled and non-puddled fields which indicate that suitable post-rainy season crops for zero-tilled fields must be selected. The study revealed that sowing time, which depends on rainfall pattern and schedule of canal water supply, is among the major factors to be considered in selecting rice cultivars and dryland crops to achieve higher productivity, resource use efficiency and economic returns. Cropping system involving direct dry-seeding of Gangavathi Sona, followed by chickpea achieved higher production efficiency, land and water productivity, and economic returns compared to transplanted rice (TPR) system. Improving the productivity of chickpea and other suitable dryland crops that can be grown after rice in zero-tilled fields will contribute substantially to the evolving impacts of DDSR-based cropping systems in the semi-arid region.

It is essential to produce around 60% more food, to meet the food demand of over nine billion people of the world in 2050, while sustaining the use of natural resources. Increasing food demand due to the growing population coupled with changes in diet and changing climate imparts a complex set of challenges to which agricultural practices must adapt (Bruinsma 2009). Food demands can be met by enhancing the productivity of scarce and costly natural resources such as water, land and labor, with minimal adverse impact on environment (Ladha et al. 2015). Crop diversification, the judicious use of land and water resources towards sustainable agricultural development and environmental improvement (Hegde et al. 2003), has been recognized as an effective strategy to contribute to food and nutrition security, income growth, poverty alleviation, and employment generation. . . . (read more)

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