Shelf-stable Dried Okara from the Wet By-products of Philippine Soybean Curd Processing


Ma. Patricia V. Azanza1,2* and Fredelyn S. Gascon1

1Department of Food Science and Nutrition, College of Home Economics
University of the Philippines – Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1101
2Industrial Technology Development Institute, Department of Science and Technology
corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Okara is the wet by-product of silken soybean curd (taho) processing and other soybean processing procedures. It has a short shelf life of 12 h under Philippine ambient temperature (30 oC). Without further processing, it is generally used as feed or thrown as waste due to rapid spoilage. A two-stage drying scheme which utilized a manually-operated vertical screw-type press and mechanical dryer was applied to wet okara from a producer of silken tofu. The physicochemical, proximate, microbial, sensory, and rancidity parameters of dried okara were evaluated within its estimated shelf life. Drying of okara to about 5% moisture content extended its shelf life at 30 oC to almost 6 months when packed under vacuum in laminated PET/FOIL/PE (119 μm). End of shelf life was based on rancid odor through sensory evaluation. Shelf stable dried okara was described as yellowish cream, granular powder with slightly sweet, nutty, and moderately beany odor and taste. The proximate composition of freshly dried okara consisted of >20% protein, >10% fat, and>50% dietary fiber. The value added dried okara did not show any strong beany taste which normally limits the use of other dried soybean products as ingredient thus can be utilized as a functional ingredient in various food products. Dried okara can be incorporated into food products to increase the protein and dietary fiber content.



In the Philippines, amongst the significant industries utilizing soybeans include tofu (firm soybean curd or tokwa); taho (silken tofu/soft soybean curd sold as sweetened dish); and soymilk processing industries (O’Toole 1999, Bureau of Agricultural Statistics 2011). The difference between firm and silken tofu is primarily related to the water content of the formed soybean curd (Paino & Messinger 1991) with firm tofu containing lower amount of water. The production of firm tofu includes curd breaking and pressing which removes water from the curd (Chang 2006). In producing firm tofu, the coagulant is stirred quickly and vigorously into the hot soymilk then the curds are broken and pressed. Tofu texture becomes firmer and water content decreases as the pressure or weight applied becomes heavier during pressing (Liu 1997) . . . . . read more



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