Enhancement of CO2 Adsorption on Activated Carbon
Prepared from Canarium ovatum Engl. Nut Shells

 Marina G. Yao1,ж, Josie L. Pondevidaж, Chi-Feng Cheng§, and Drexel H. Camacho1,*

1Chemistry Department and Center for Natural Science and Ecological Research,
De La Salle University, 2401 Taft Avenue, 1004 Manila, Philippines
§Department of Chemistry and Center for Nanotechnology,
Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung-Li 320, Taiwan, R.O.C.
жIndustrial Technology Development Institute
Department of Science & Technology, Taguig City, Philippines

corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



New sources of activated carbon (AC) are desired for CO2 capture. This study explored the potential of Philippine indigenous Pili tree (Canarium ovatum Engl.) waste nut shell as a source of new activated carbon. The charred sample has high fixed carbon content (86.81%), which upon activation, showed higher surface area (701 m2/g) and larger pore volume (0.45 cm3/g) compared to the unactivated sample. Modification of the carbon surface through impregnation of different amines resulted in lower surface areas, narrower pore volumes, and changes in morphology (from uniform geometric shape to spongy microstructures). The amine modified samples gave slight decrease in X-ray diffraction interlayer spacing (d(002)) resulting in formation of micro crystallites that may promote CO2 adsorption. Indeed, the modified AC samples had higher adsorption capacities for CO2 than the original AC. The amount of adsorbed CO2 on pentaethylenehexamine-modified AC was up to 2.380 mmol/g at 1 atm and 293 K, a 173% increase in comparison with that of the original AC.


The world is in search for technologies designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Among the greenhouse gases, the gradual increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) due to burning of fossil fuel is very alarming (Boden et al. 2012). The most realistic short term technology, albeit a costly process, on the capture and sequestration of post-combustion CO2 is achieved by amine scrubbing of industrial flue gases (Rao & Rubin 2002). Several technologies for post-combustion CO2 capture (Figueroa et al. 2008) such as liquid solvent absorption (Chaffee et al. 2007), cryogenic techniques . . . . . read more



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CORONEL RE. 1991. Canarium ovatum Engl. In: Plant Resources of South East Asia - No.2. Edible fruits and nuts. Verheij EWM, Coronel R.E, eds. Bogor, Indonesia: PROSEA Foundation. p105-108.
FIGUEROA JD, FOUT T, PLASYNSKI S, MCILVRIED H, SRIVASTAVA RD. 2008. Advances in CO2 capture technology—the U.S. Department of Energy's carbon sequestration program. Int J Greenh Gas Con 2(1): 9-20.
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PONDEVIDA JL. 2011. Production of Activated Carbon from Pili Shell. Taguig City:ITDI-DOST. 86p.
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QUISUMBING E. 1978. Medicinal plants of the Philippines. Manila:Katha Publishing. p476-477.
RAO AB, RUBIN ES. 2002. A technical, economic, and environmental assessment of amine-based CO2 capture technology for power plant greenhouse gas control. Environ Sci Technol 36(20):4467–4475.
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SERNA-GUERREO R, DA'NA E,  SAYARI A. 2008. New insights into the interactions of CO with amine-functionalized silica. Ind Eng Chem Res 47(23): 9406-9412.
SHAFEEYAN MH, DAUD WMAW, HOUSHMAND A, SHAMIRI A.  2010. A review on surface modification of activated carbon for carbon dioxide adsorption. J Anal Appl Pyrolysis 89(2):143-151.
SIRIWARDANE R, SHEN M, FISHER E, POSTON J, 2001. Adsorption of CO2 on molecular sieves and activated carbon. Energy Fuels 15(2): 279-284.
TSENG RL. 2007. Physical and chemical properties and adsorption type of activated carbon prepared from plum kernels by NaOH activation. J Hazard Mater 147:1020-1027.
TUINIER MJ, VANT SINT ANNALAND M, KUIPERS JAM. 2011. A novel process for cryogenic CO2 capture using dynamically operated packed beds - an experimental and numerical study. Int J Greenh Gas Con 5(4): 694-701.
WANG Q, LUO J, ZHON Z, BORGNA A. 2011. CO2 capture by solid adsorbents and their applications: current status and new trends. Energy Environ Sci 4:42–55.
XIAO J, LI CW, LI MH. 2000. Kinetics of absorption of carbon dioxide into aqueous solutions of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol + Monoethanolamine. Chem Eng Sci 55:161–175.
YAMASHITA Y, OUCHI K. 1982. Influence of alkali on the carbonization process—I: Carbonization of 3,5-dimethylphenol-formaldehyde resin with NaOH. Carbon 20(1):41-45.
YOON SH, LIM S, SONG Y, OTA Y, QIAO W, TANAKA A, MOCHIDA I. 2004. KOH activation of carbon nanofibers. Carbon  42(8-9):1723-1729.
ZHANG Z, XU M, WANG H, LI Z. J 2010. Enhancement of CO2 adsorption on high surface area activated carbon modified by N2, H2 and ammonia. Chem Eng 160:571-577.
ZONDLO JW. 2004. Turbostatic Carbon Powder. Morgantown, West Virginia, USA: West Virginia University.  p 391-421. Retrieved from,%20Part%204,%20Pages%20391%20-%20647.pdf on 15 May 2012.

AHMAD AL, SUNARTI AR, LEE KT, FERNANDO WJN. 2010. CO2 removal using membrane gas absorption.  Int J Greenh Gas Con 4(3): 495-498.
ARENILLAS A, RUBIERA F, PARRA JB, ANIA CO, PIS JJ. 2005. Surface modification of low cost carbons for their application in the environmental protection. Appl Surf Sci 252:619-624.
BISHNOI S, ROCHELLE GT. 2000. Absorption of carbon dioxide into aqueous piperazine: Reaction kinetics, mass transfer and solubility. Chem Eng Sci 55: 5531–5543.
BODEN TA, MARLAND G, ANDRES RJ. 2012. Global, Regional, and National Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions. Oakridge, Tennessee, USA: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy. Retrieved from on 9 September 2013.
BOEHM HP. 1994. Some aspects of the surface-chemistry of carbon blacks and other carbons. Carbon 32(5):759–69.
BRANDANI FM, RUTHVEN DM. 2004. The effect of water in on the adsorption of CO2 and C3H8 on type x zeolites. Ind Eng Chem Res 43: 8339.
CHAFFEE AL, KNOWLES GP, LIANG Z, ZHANG J, XIAO P, WEBLEY PA. 2007. CO2 capture by adsorption: Materials and process development. Int J Greenh Gas Con 1(1): 11-18.
CORONEL RE. 1991. Canarium ovatum Engl. In: Plant Resources of South East Asia - No.2. Edible fruits and nuts. Verheij EWM, Coronel R.E, eds. Bogor, Indonesia: PROSEA Foundation. p105-108.
FIGUEROA JD, FOUT T, PLASYNSKI S, MCILVRIED H, SRIVASTAVA RD. 2008. Advances in CO2 capture technology—the U.S. Department of Energy's carbon sequestration program. Int J Greenh Gas Con 2(1): 9-20.
GRAY ML, CHAMPAGNE KJ, FAUTH D, BALTRUS JP, PENNLINE H. 2008. Performance of immobilized tertiary amine solid sorbents for the capture of carbon dioxide. Int J Greenh Gas Con 2(1):3-8.
HESCHEL W, KLOSE E. 1995 On the suitability of agricultural by-products for the manufacture of granular activated carbon. Fuel 74:1786-1791.
LIAO CH, LI MH. 2002. Kinetics of absorption of carbon dioxide into aqueous solutions of monoethanolamine + N-Methyldiethanolamine. Chem Eng Sci 57: 4569–4582.
LUA AC, YANG T. 2004. Effect of activation temperature on the textural and chemical properties of potassium hydroxide activated carbon prepared from pistachio-nut shell. J Colloid Interface Sci 274(2):594-601.
MARTIN CF, PLAZA MG, PIS JJ, RUBIERA F, PEVIDA C, CENTENO TA. 2010. On the limits of CO2 capture capacity of carbons. Sep Purif Technol 74:225-229.  
PLAZA MG, PEVIDA C, ARENILLAS A, RUBIERA F, PIS JJ. 2007. CO2 capture by adsorption with nitrogen enriched carbons. Fuel 86:2204–12.
PLAZA MG, PEVIDA C, PIS JJ, RUBIERA F. 2011. Evaluation of the cyclic capacity of low-cost carbon adsorbents for post-combustion CO2 capture. Energy Procedia 4:1228-1234.
PONDEVIDA JL. 2011. Production of Activated Carbon from Pili Shell. Taguig City:ITDI-DOST. 86p.
PRZEPIÓRSKI J, SKRODZEWICZ M, MORAWSKI AW. 2004. High temperature ammonia treatment of activated carbon for enhancement of CO2 adsorption. Appl Surf Sci 225:235–42.
QUISUMBING E. 1978. Medicinal plants of the Philippines. Manila:Katha Publishing. p476-477.
RAO AB, RUBIN ES. 2002. A technical, economic, and environmental assessment of amine-based CO2 capture technology for power plant greenhouse gas control. Environ Sci Technol 36(20):4467–4475.
SANGER SH, MOHOD AG, KHANDETODE YP, SHRIRAME HY, DESHMUKH AS. 2011. Study of carbonization for cashew nut shell.  Res J Chem Sci  1(2):43-55.
SERNA-GUERREO R, DA'NA E,  SAYARI A. 2008. New insights into the interactions of CO with amine-functionalized silica. Ind Eng Chem Res 47(23): 9406-9412.
SHAFEEYAN MH, DAUD WMAW, HOUSHMAND A, SHAMIRI A.  2010. A review on surface modification of activated carbon for carbon dioxide adsorption. J Anal Appl Pyrolysis 89(2):143-151.
SIRIWARDANE R, SHEN M, FISHER E, POSTON J, 2001. Adsorption of CO2 on molecular sieves and activated carbon. Energy Fuels 15(2): 279-284.
TSENG RL. 2007. Physical and chemical properties and adsorption type of activated carbon prepared from plum kernels by NaOH activation. J Hazard Mater 147:1020-1027.
TUINIER MJ, VANT SINT ANNALAND M, KUIPERS JAM. 2011. A novel process for cryogenic CO2 capture using dynamically operated packed beds - an experimental and numerical study. Int J Greenh Gas Con 5(4): 694-701.
WANG Q, LUO J, ZHON Z, BORGNA A. 2011. CO2 capture by solid adsorbents and their applications: current status and new trends. Energy Environ Sci 4:42–55.
XIAO J, LI CW, LI MH. 2000. Kinetics of absorption of carbon dioxide into aqueous solutions of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol + Monoethanolamine. Chem Eng Sci 55:161–175.
YAMASHITA Y, OUCHI K. 1982. Influence of alkali on the carbonization process—I: Carbonization of 3,5-dimethylphenol-formaldehyde resin with NaOH. Carbon 20(1):41-45.
YOON SH, LIM S, SONG Y, OTA Y, QIAO W, TANAKA A, MOCHIDA I. 2004. KOH activation of carbon nanofibers. Carbon  42(8-9):1723-1729.
ZHANG Z, XU M, WANG H, LI Z. J 2010. Enhancement of CO2 adsorption on high surface area activated carbon modified by N2, H2 and ammonia. Chem Eng 160:571-577.
ZONDLO JW. 2004. Turbostatic Carbon Powder. Morgantown, West Virginia, USA: West Virginia University.  p 391-421. Retrieved from,%20Part%204,%20Pages%20391%20-%20647.pdf on 15 May 2012.