Storytelling as a Health Teaching Strategy for Dengue Prevention and Control in the Philippines


Judilyn N. Solidum and Gilmore G. Solidum1

College of Pharmacy, University of the Philippines Manila
1College of Nursing, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

corresponding author:



Storytelling is an approach to teaching and learning that develops from the lived experiences of teachers, clinicians, and students. Dengue has been a continuous concern in the country as it persists as a major mortality cause. This study aimed to prove that story telling facilitates learning on Dengue principles and Dengue prevention concepts at the elementary and pre school level. This study, done in a span of two years, followed a one-group pre-test, post-test experimental design. A self-made test was used for the assessment of the respondents’ knowledge before and after storytelling. This was done seven times in different groups, five in the elementary level (grades 5 and 6) and two in the preschool level in Quezon City, Metro Manila, and Camarines Sur in Bicol region. Three original storybooks for storytelling were used as teaching-learning materials namely Moskee ang Bampirang Lamok, Dinudugo si Dino, Huwag MOKONG Kagatin (Kwento ng batang na dengue). To determine the difference between the mean scores of the respondents, paired two-tailed T-test was used. All p-values in the seven groups showed values lesser than 0.0001. There is extremely statistically significant difference between the means of pre and post test results of the subjects. The respondent students mentioned that the sessions were fun, and entertaining; they remembered the concepts through story events and characters. It was added that the sessions were not boring, as these were interactive. The whole activity improved memory recall. The faculty members said that the teaching learning strategy using storytelling proved very informative. They also mentioned that the science and health concepts were well embedded in the stories. The research showed that the use of storytelling as a teaching learning strategy is effective for Dengue principle and Dengue prevention concept disseminations.


Storytelling is an approach to teaching and learning that develops from the lived experiences of teachers, clinicians, and students (Koenig and Zorn, 2002). In a 2000 study by Richter and Koppett, it was said that a well told story can bring about a sense of community and belonging in learning communities better than most traditional teaching methods . . . . . . [DOWNLOAD FULLTEXT HERE]



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