Growth of Abalone Haliotis asinina Fed With Hydropuntia edulis, Singly or in Combination With Other Red Algae in Sea Cages in Tondol, Anda, Pangasinan, Northern Philippines
Emmanuel C. Capinpin Jr., Shella C. Parreño, and Rosie S. Abalos
Department of Fisheries Science, Pangasinan State University
Binmaley Campus, Binmaley, Pangasinan
corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of using only a single species diet, Hydropuntia edulis (= Gracilaria edulis) and a diet of mixed algae (H. edulis, Eucheuma arnoldii, and Halymenia durvillaei), which are all locally abundant in Tondol, Anda, Pangasinan on the growth of abalone Haliotis asinina. Small abalone (40.38±0.31 mm shell length and 14.69±0.39 g body weight for Trial 1 and 37.66±0.33 mm SL and 13.37±0.35 g BW for Trial 2) found in the area were collected by fishers and stocked in cages (50 cm X 50 cm X 20 cm). Two trials with two treatments were conducted with five replicates per treatment. Stocking density was 15 abalone per cage. Results of Trial 1 showed that those fed with a single species diet grew from 40.30±0.45 mm to 44.67±0.38 mm in shell length and 14.71±0.57 g to19.73±0.44 g in weight whereas those fed with mixed algal diet grew from 40.45±0.47 mm to 46.74±0.79 mm in length and 14.67±0.61 g to 23.20±1.08g in total weight after 135 d in culture. There was a significant difference in length and weight after 135 d using the t-test (P<0.05). Results for trial 2 were similar in that a significant difference was observed between the two treatments after 120 d using the t-test (P<0.05). In trial 2, abalone fed with a single-species diet grew from 37.48±0.56 mm to 43.72±0.35 mm in shell length and from 13.47±0.66 g to 19.00±0.59 g in weight whereas those fed with mixed-algae grew from 37.84±0.40 mm to 44.85±0.20 mm in shell length and from 13.27±0.32 g to 20.73±0.36 g in weight. In both cases, mixed-species of red algae produced better growth in shell length and weight. This may be because abalone in the wild rarely feed on single species and they frequently encounter a variety of drift algae. It may also be due to the fact that nutrients lacking in single-species diets may be provided and/or fortified using a variety of seaweeds, which are locally abundant. Survival rate was 100% in all cages.
The abalone (Haliotis asinina Linné) fishery of Anda, Pangasinan, northern Philippines is artisanal or small-scale, typified by fishers gleaning or free-diving on shallow rocky areas. Due to unregulated harvesting, local abalone populations easily became overfished (Capinpin, 2013). The high demand for the species led to a "boom-and-bust" fishery in the 1970s to the 1980s, according to earlier interviews among fishers in Carot, Anda, Pangasinan . . . . . . [DOWNLOAD FULLTEXT HERE]
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