I came to know the person honored by this special supplement, Mr. Leonardo Co, when he first became my student at the Caloocan City branch of the Philippine Cultural High School many years ago. He was then a young and active student who loved science. Following me, he went to the University of the Philippines in Diliman to take up the Bachelor Science in Botany degree program in early 1970s. We had become close field companions for decades in our joint searching of interesting plant species and new plant species as well in many collecting trips until I left the country for my overseas job in late 1980s.
Being a rather patriotic Filipino botanist, Leonardo did not want to become an immigrant in the USA when his parents migrated in the 90s. Instead, he chose to stay behind and continue his study of Philippine plant diversity at work and after working hours, with or without financial support from institutions, until he was shot death on Leyte Island while doing his routine field collecting of plant specimens in the noon hour of 15th. . . . . . read more