Structural Characterization of Buri (Corypha utan Lam.) Petioles
Rosalie M. Calapis1, Vivian C. Daracan1, Stella Villa A. Castillo1,
Wilfredo M. Carandang2, and Willie P. Abasolo1
1Forest Products and Paper Science Department, College of Forestry Natural Resources, University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna Philippines 4031
2Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna Philippines 4031
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Anatomical analysis was conducted on Buri (Corypha utan Lam.) petioles in order to generate baseline data about the anatomy of buri petioles where buntal fibers are extracted and to determine the origin of these fibers. It is with hope that this baseline data can contribute in maximizing its yield in terms of quality and quantity, and suggesting other usage of wasted buntal fibers such as in pulp and papermaking industry. Vascular bundle and ground parenchyma area percentages were analyzed using advanced digital imagery. Variation both along the length (base (B), middle (M), top (T)) and across the radius (outer periphery (PO), core (C), inner periphery (PI)) of the petiole were considered in the evaluation. Fiber morphology was also conducted. Analysis showed that the petiole is made up of vascular bundles and ground parenchyma cells the proportion of which was highest at the middle and top portion, respectively. The bundle was actually the buntal fiber itself. Bundle diameter was highest at the basal portion while its element percentages were greatest in the middle portion. The structure of the bundle was unique because of the two fiber caps enveloping the other elements. This provided the vascular bundle enough strength and protection to withstand manual extraction including the weaving process. Considering both the quantity and quality of buntal, it is suggested that farmers can prioritize harvesting from the middle, basal and finally, the top portion. Fiber morphology values were highest in the outer periphery, but it varies along the height of the petiole. Furthermore, fiber characteristics showed acceptable values for pulp and paper manufacture; hence, the petiole itself together with the waste buntal could be best suited for this purpose to maximize its utility.
Buri (Corypha utan Lam.) of the family Arecaceae is one of the palms in the Philippines with multiple uses. It is considered to be the third most important palm in the country, after coconut and nipa . . . . . . . . .
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