Development of Floor Tiles from Philippine Bamboos


Marina A. Alipon, Edna B. Bauza, and Gilberto N. Sapin

Forest Product Research and Development Institute
Los Baños, College, Laguna, Philippines

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The study determined and evaluated some important physical and mechanical properties of floor tiles from kauayan tinik (Bambusa blumeana J. A. & J. H. Schultes) and giant bamboo [Dendrocalamus asper (Schultes f.) Backer ex Heyne] glued with urea formaldehyde (UF) and polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) without and with preservative treatments (deltamethrin, borax and boric acid, and chlorpyrifos) as well as their comparative costs. Standard procedures were used to test and evaluate the properties of the bamboo floor tiles such as relative density (RD), moisture content (MC), hardness (H), thickness swelling (TS), abrasive resistance (AR), and glue bond (GB). Kauayan tinik and giant bamboo are both acceptable for flooring although the former has generally better properties than the latter. UF-glued kauayan tinik treated with either deltamethrin or borax and boric acid is preferred over the others in term of physical and mechanical properties, as well as cost of glue and preservative combinations.



Bamboo is an ideal substitute for wood because it is fast growing, easily propagated, and has a short rotation period. Numerous bamboo-based products have been developed. Most of the new products are in the form of composites and reconstituted panels such as floor tiles or parquet owing to bamboo's thin-walled, round, hollow, and small diameter. . . . . . . .




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