A Contribution to the Taxonomy of Mastogloia (Class Bacillariophyceae) in the Philippines


Milagrosa R. Martinez-Goss1,* and Luisito T. Evangelista2

1Institute of Biological Sciences and Museum of Natural History,
University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna
2Botany Division, National Museum, Manila

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Nine species of Mastogloia found on the brown seaweeds, Sargassum spp., in two study areas in the Philippines (Lian, Batangas and Plaridel, Quezon) are described. Mastogloia smithii Thw. ex W. Sm. is added to the list of new record for the country.



Mastogloia Thw. ex Wm. Smith is a large, predominantly benthic marine genus in the division Bacillariophyta (Round et al. 1990). A distinctive characteristic of the group is the presence of a partectal ring, i.e., a modified girdle band, usually in the first girdle band or valvocopula that developed into a series of more or less spherical hollow or bulbous chambers or partecta (Paddock & Kemp 1988). These partecta are vividly noted in "cleaned" specimens of the inner valve face.

Mastogloia taxa were observed to produce extracellular structures whose shape, arrangement, and number are species-specific and related to the number of partecta (Hein et al. 1993). These secretions serve as a means of attachment for the diatom (Sivaci et al. 2008), in addition to facilitating the trapping and binding of carbonate grains for stromatolite growth (Hein et al. 1993; Awramik & Riding 1988) while enveloping the cells to form gelatinous, bubble-like colonies (Round et al. 1990). . . . . . . . . .





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