Sequence Analyses of the Coconut Enolase 3' End Reveals a CACTG Motif Found Within the 3'-Untranslated Region


Marni E. Cueno1*, Rita P. Laude1, and Antonio C. Laurena2

1Institute of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences,
University of the Philippines Los Baños, College ,Laguna 4031
2Institute of Plant Breeding , Crop Science Cluster, College of Agriculture,
University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna 4031

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As the coconut drupe matures, medium-chain fatty acids accumulate suggesting de novo fatty acid synthesis is active until drupe maturation is reached. This suggests that an active transcription of enolase mRNA takes place. Detection of coconut enolase transcripts from 4-5, 5-6, 6-7 and 7-8 month old coconut endosperms were made through 3' RACE. PCR products were cloned and sequence alignment showed higher homology between coconut and palm kernel enolase 3' CDS compared with that of rice and corn. Sequence alignment between the coconut and rice enolase 3' UTR revealed a common CACTG motif which is known to be conserved among the CACTA transposon family and has been speculated to insert regulatory elements. Folding pattern prediction of the coconut enolase 3' UTR revealed the occurrence of folding located immediately after the CACTG motif. We speculate this region to be the binding-site of regulatory elements.



In the coconut plant, lipid accumulates in the coconut endosperm inside the coconut drupe. As the drupe matures, the coconut endosperm concurrently begins to thicken and readily stores oil (Harris 1994; Villalobos et al. 2001). There are nine known individual fatty acids in coconut oil that differ from each other . . . . . . . . .





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